Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Fair

Last week was the Sebastian County Fair in Greenwood. Confession: Until this year, I had never been. Until a couple of years ago, I didn't know it existed. So, this year we decided we definitely needed to take Lawson. The State Fair in Fort Smith is not my favorite thing. I like fair food but not enough to spend the money and go. Maybe it's just me but I feel like it's yucky. Now that we've been to the Sebastian County Fair, it will be a yearly thing for us I'm sure. The State Fair is still debatable...sort of.

On Saturday, there was a Fair Parade. It lasted about 10 minutes. It literally took us longer to load Lawson and Addison in the car and drive down to the square. Addison said it was okay because she still got candy. Can't beat six year old logic. :-) Here we are at the parade. 

Lawson liked the fire truck. He said, "Fire truck! Broooom Brooom!"

Can you tell it was almost nap time for Mr. Tootie Pants?

While we were out and about walking, we stopped at the Farmer's Bank fountain. I have to say, I don't know if we'll do the parade again, but couldn't hurt to try it once, right. I think the kiddos had fun anyway.

Heading in to the fair. Look how tightly he is holding on to his Daddy. These two are buddies.

He just kept saying, "Whoa!" over and over again. Could they look any more alike? Jeez!

We started with the little petting zoo tent, and boy did Lawson love it. He wanted to hug every animal who came to the fence. Goats...

More goats...

Uh, more goats...

The very hairy cows...

Umm...and more goats. And, in case you're wondering, no. Lawson does NOT need a goat. (Jason asked me this question as we walked out of the tent. Are you kidding me!?!?)

He doesnt' always want to hold our hands, but most of the time he does. I love it! He's so sweet.

Pretty much the only ride we felt comfortable putting him on was the carousel. Maybe we're lame, but he didn't seem to know what he was missing. I'm sure next year will be a completely different story, but for now, riding the carousel with Momma is it. Sorry, buddy.

We also spent some time walking through the barn to see the show animals, but it's hard to take pictures of a 19 month old little boy who darts back and forth from cage to cage. He loved it though. He wants to hug or pet every animal he sees, which is okay unless said animal is not a fan of hugging or petting. We will certainly work on this before we go to the zoo again. :-)

I just love doing fun family stuff with my boys! They make my day!


Monday, August 26, 2013

"I Pay Bocks"

One of Lawson's favorite things to do these days is to "pay bocks!" He usually makes it a maximum of 20-30 minutes after waking up in the mornings before he says, "I pay bocks!" Then he brings me the bag of blocks and says, "Momma, zip it?" I unzip the bag, and he says, "I dump it!" with a little mischievous grin and then dumps the blocks out in the floor. He plays with other stuff throughout the day, but he really LOVES playing blocks and comes back to them throughout the day too.

This was one morning last week about 15 minutes after he got out of bed. I did manage to get his diaper changed before he wanted them dumped out, but then, blocks it is.

The interesting thing is the way he plays with his blocks. He generally plays with one color at a time. Or at least stacks one color at a time. Notice in the first picture above all of the white blocks on the little car and the green ones in his hands? In the picture above you can also see turquoise blocks with green blocks stacked on top and then a white one on top of that. He dug through all the blocks and found both square turquoise blocks (he finds one and then says, "other one?" and stacked them together. Then he found both of the square green blocks (again, finding one then asking, "other one?") and stacked them together and then on top of the turquoise. Then he started taking the white ones off the car and trying to put them on top of the square green blocks.Sometimes he will find all small blue blocks and line them up on the car. Sometimes it's yellow or red. He's so funny! We started telling him which color is which when he picks them up hoping he will learn his colors. We figure if he can already sort them, he might as well know which color is which.

And, speaking of stacking, this is what Lawson did while I put groceries away yesterday. He's so funny. Of course, once he has everything all stacked up, he always wants to knock it down and say, "Crash-a-boomy!!!"

And, this is what he did at Academy last week while Daddy was looking at fishing lures. Perhaps we have a future engineer or architect on our hands.

Friday, August 9, 2013

I Peepee Potty

I am certain I will be in big trouble with my son someday for posting this picture on the Internet, but I'm doing it anyway. On Wednesday, August 7, I got a call at work (from Daddy) to tell me that my sweet little Lawson Jace went peepee on the potty!!!! In fact, he went twice on the potty that day!! Now, are we potty trained? No. Are we close, probably not. BUT, we are now working on it. I've always been told to wait to do it until the kid is ready, and since he's the one who went to Jason and said, "I peepee potty." over and over again until Jason took him in there, I'd say he's ready. Who knows how long it will take or when we'll be able to stop buying diapers, but this is big time folks!!!

Grandpa and Gigi's House

Lawson spent last Saturday with Grandpa and Gigi. He absolutely loves his "Gampa"! He talks all the time about Gampa and Gigi house. I think it was a fun day for all three of them.

Just eating a little lunch with Gampa.Looks like fun to me!

Playing outside on the swing set. For the record, he pulls his hat down like that himself. If you pull it back up (where he can actually see where he's going), he just pulls it back down. Silly boy.

Playing bubbles with Gigi. What a fun day!! Gampa and Gigi know how to keep this kid happy: anything outside.

"Gampa big shoes!" Look how happy he is. They said he tried to wear these steal toed shoes out the door when the went outside. Goodness. They also went to visit Gigi's mom and dad (Great Grandpa and Great Gigi) where they got to eat chocolate cake. I'm guessing there were no pictures of the cake eating so there wouldn't be evidence if they decided not to tell Momma, but the chocolate all over his face when we picked him up was a dead giveaway.

And we shared our graham cracker snack with Gampa. I'm pretty sure he had one meal and two snacks at Gampa and Gigi's house. No wonder he's been talking about Gampa and Gigi house all week!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Rest of the Week: Day With Daddy and Vacation Day 3

After being off with my boys for two days, we thought Daddy was feeling better and completely recovered from his allergy/sinus bout, so it was time for Momma to go back to work. Jason is good about sending me pictures while he's home with Lawson. I love and hate this. Obviously, I love seeing what my boys are up to, but I hate missing it.
Do you think he loves his Daddy? His Daddy is pretty crazy about him too. They are quite a pair.

He had just finished off his lunch and was quite proud of himself. Like any toddler, he goes through phases where he's a picky eater, but right now, he's eating like crazy!

Remember how we thought Daddy was all better mid-week? Well, no such luck. He started running fever Thursday evening and throughout the night, so he headed to the doctor Friday morning. Just a bad sinus infection, but still he was down with fever Friday and Saturday and Sunday too off-and-on. Lawson and I enjoyed spending the day together though. Lawson went with me to get my tires rotated, and LOVED the "big tires!" He has four little RC car tires that Jason has given him to play with at home (or at church in the nursery when he decides he needs to bring one along...bless Mitch and Brockette for keeping up with it so we made it home with our tire after nursery time). When he saw all these "big tires" he was beside himself. something tells me this won't be the last time he goes with me to take care of tire business.

I just love this sweet little boy. He makes my day. I sure did enjoy a few extra days off from work to spend with him. I hate that Daddy was sick, but Momma sure did love time with her boy. I feel like at some point he will prefer to go and do the things that Daddy does (fish, hunt, play in the dirt...boy stuff), so I am trying to soak up every second of Momma time I possibly can. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Vacation Days: Day 2

Day two of my vacation days last week we got to pick Addison up for the afternoon. We went back to the park (twice actually). When we got in the car to go pick up Addison, I told Lawson where we were going, and he said, "get Addi!" at least 15 times on the way. He loves her!!

Addison helped Lawson up the slide, so I think he felt like such a big boy. (I still held his hand as he slid down though.)

As you can see, Lawson like to try and do everything Addison does. She actually kind of loves it. She and I did a little math to figure out that when she's old enough to babysit Lawson on her own (probably like 13 or 14...she says we should go with 13 since its sooner...) Lawson will be like 8. She's all about helping with him. Love this girl!

Vacation Days: Day 1

Last week I took a few vacation days throughout the week and spent the day with my favorite little boy. I'm breaking down the three days not because we did super, amazing, out-of-the-ordinary stuff, but because I want to post the pictures from each day and don't want to overwhelm you with a bazillion pics in one post. What can I say? I like taking/having pictures of my boy!
Daddy was sick all week, so it was mostly me and Lawson Jace spending our days letting Daddy rest while not exposing Lawson since Daddy was running fever. Boo for being sick on summer break! Day one we went to the park and to visit  Grandpa and Gigi.

I decided we should slide together once. Lawson was not a fan. He much prefers to be a big boy and go down on his own (with me holding-on to him from behind and the side of the slide the whole time of course).

We found some tall grass at the park. He wasn't sure about it at first because it was blowing in the wind and hitting his legs a little. I picked a piece and gave it to him, and he was mesmerized. We took the piece of grass home with us even.
Lawson also had his first "job" last week. Cousins Jaelin and Cassidy were out of town, so we took care of the guinea pigs "piggies". Lawson just stuck his hand right in the cage and let them sniff and even nibble a little on his finger. He kept saying, "nom, nom, nom, nom." I guess because I told him we were feeding them.
A little yogurt smoothie for afternoon snack. How big does he look holding the thing all by himself?!?!
Super cool in our sunglasses and hat. He doesn't always want sunglasses on, but when he does it sure is cute.

We also visited Grandpa and Gigi...and their chickens. This kid just sat right down and reached in the cage. Again, he started saying, "nom, nom, nom, nom." just like with the guinea pigs. He's crazy. Luckily the chickens were friendly and no one got pecked.