Thursday, March 15, 2012

2 Months Continued...

I thought I would give a little stat report on how Lawson is doing beyond just length and weight. Here are some of his accomplishments:

Tries to hold his own bottle.

Play this super fun toy until he falls asleep and just can't kick another second. :-)

Hold his head up while on his tummy (even though he hates being on his tummy).

Smile for the camera!

Roll over from tummy to back.

Put toys in his mouth.

He has also found his fist/thumb and loves them. :-)

This is the short version. If you'd like to hear me brag on how smart my sweet boy is, let me know. I'm glad to do it. :-)


2 Months!!

I can't believe it, but Lawson is 2 months old already (actually, as of tomorrow he will be 10 weeks)! He is growing and changing SO much So fast. Last week was his two month doctor's appointment. Dr. Jon says he's growing good and is pretty perfect. He weighed 12 pounds 4 ounces and was 23 inches long. CRAZY!!!

We decided on camo for shot day. Makes you feel tough. :-)

 After shots. The doctor's office even had camo band-aides.

Lawson was so brave for his shots. He cried when the nurse gave them, but once she was finished and I picked him up, he was good. Such a big boy!!
