Monday, July 30, 2012

Bath Time Fun

I think I've mentioned before that Lawson loves bath time. Here are some pics from one of this weekend's baths. He's getting so big. Uh, and, please note the rolls on his sweet arms/wrists in picture number three. A lady at told me one day that he looks like he has rubber bands around his wrists and arms. I laughed, but I guess I didn't fully understand until really looking at these pictures. I LOVE chubby babies!!!

Sweet baby sitting up so big.

Not so sure about the water running down his face here.

Seems to be loving it now 

And a shot of his back. There's just something super cute about the back of his head. I love his sweet, soft hair. 

He has also gotten MUCH more comfortable with the water now that he's spent some time playing in the baby pool we have. I guess we should have known he would want to splash water and bubbles everywhere once we put him in the bath. Silly parents! 


Big Boy

This weekend when Lawson and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up groceries, we tried him sitting in the front of the cart like a big boy. Until now, he either rides in his car seat in the cart or Daddy carries him. Here are pictures to show how it went:

We started out sitting up big and tall.

Then got a little lazy and just wanted to lounge and chew our toy banana.

Then we got sleepy.


Poor guy. Maybe next time he'll stay awake...guess we'll see.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

6 Months

My sweet Lawson Jace hit the six month mark on July 6. I truly don't know where the time went. Jason and I are excited for all that is to come as he grows up, but some days we just want to stop the clocks for a bit and keep him a baby forever. We try to savor every moment with him and soak up as much of his sweet personality as possible. Here is the update and some pics:

At his six month check up, Lawson weighed 19 pounds and 2 ounces and was 27.5 inches long. That's 80th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. He is wearing size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothes. He's a big healthy boy.

Look at those chubby legs! And, as you can see, he is a little obsessed with his feet/toes right now. He loves to try and pull his toes up to his mouth, which is funny because his chubby little belly kind of gets in the way some times.

He LOVES to eat. He loves rice cereal and pretty much anything else we give him. So far, I'm making all of his baby food (pureed veggies and fruit). So far we rotate between green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash for the most part. He also liked bananas but didn't take well to peaches on the first try (we'll try again though). He ate avocado but wasn't super excited about it. :-)

He LOVES the water. He loves bath time and loves playing in the baby pool we have in the backyard.

Not sure what Jason will think about me posting this pic, but look how happy they both are. :-)

This is one of my favorites. Look at that sweet face.

Last month his favorite sound was bah bah bah bah..... These days we hear a lot of dadadadadadadada and mamamamamamamama. We LOVE it!

Lawson Jace, Mommy and Daddy love you very much...more than we even imagined possible. You are the best thing we've ever done! You have completely changed our lives. I don't know what we did without you all those years. We are so thankful for you!!


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chuck E Cheese

My niece had her fifth birthday at Chuck E Cheese a couple of weeks ago. Just thinking about this place gives me a headache, but I guess I may have to get used to it eventually now that we have Lawson. At least it will be a while before we have to have a birthday party there. Thought I would share this picture of Lawson meeting Chuck. It's a little blurry, but you get the point.

That's Nana introducing him, and he seems to be more interested in the ticket in his hand than he is in the giant mouse standing next to him. :-)


Law Dog

You may or may not know that Jason had a nickname for Lawson while I was pregnant: Law Dog. He called him Law Dog all the time. I did too actually. So did some friends and family. Now that's he's here, we rarely call him that. Weird.

Any sweet friend Jill and her husband Ryan sent Law Dog his first uniform. We got it before he was even a month old and could not wait until the fall when he would be big enough to wear the 9 month onesie. Well, we didn't have to wait till fall...

How stinking cute is that!?!? He wore this about a week or two ago...when he hit the six month mark. Yep. My six month old has nearly outgrown his nine month clothing. I'll post more on his six month stats in a later post. Let's just say he's not missing any meals. :-)

Thanks for the uniform Team McCormick!
