Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Misc Happenings

Here are some random pics to give you and idea what Lawson is up to these days: 

Jason's Uncle Tony special ordered these camo diapers for Lawson. He is finally big enough to wear them.

Gotta wear shades.

First pool experience. LOOK at that belly and those legs!!

Just being silly. 

Is my kid cute or what?!?!?!?!


On the Move

Here are videos (short, one minute ones) of Lawson's newest tricks:
  • "push-ups"
  • scooting backward 
  • the "bah bah bah bah" sound
  • whatever you want to call the silly thing he's doing to make his little chubby cheeks bounce

"Playing" the Piano

I'm not sure how we ended up with more than one toy piano, but we did. And, Lawson LOVES them!!
Here are a series of videos I shot with my phone one morning. I know you're thinking, "Jeez, Mandy, one video of him playing with this toy is enough!" But, each one is only like a minute long. :-) Enjoy!

Man, I love this little guy! This was at like 7:30am. He wakes up in such a good mood, and this Momma LOVES it!


Father's Day

This was of course Jason's first official Father's Day. I think he had a good one.We had dinner at my dad's on Saturday and then pretty much just hung out around the house on Sunday. Jason got in some quality time with his little guy.

Lawson made Daddy a special, personalized Father's Day book. I will refrain from posting a picture of each page, but I just love it. And, Jason did too!

These are some of my favorite pages. I just love these pics of Daddy and his little man!
Lawson is so blessed to have Jason for his Daddy, and I am so blessed to have him for a husband.

Happy First Father's Day, Jason!


Monday, June 18, 2012


Since yesterday was Father's Day, I thought I would post about my dad in addition to posting about Jason. I'll post about Jason's first Father's Day separately.

If you know my Dad, you know I am one blessed girl. My Dad is an amazing man of God who sets a wonderful example of Christ's love. He has a servant's heart and just can't seem to say no when someone is in need. What you may not know is that technically, I'm adopted. My Dad married my Mom when I was three and adopted me officially when I was six. I started kindergarten with one last name and ended it with a different one. I remember the day we went to court to finalize the adoption. The judge took us back to his chambers and asked me if I wanted Ralph (he loves that name :-)) to be my Dad forever. I'm not sure if I understood why he was even asking me that question. Of course I did!!!

What a blessing my Dad is to my my whole his friends and just about anyone he comes in contact with. And, now Lawson has the privilege of having him for a Grandpa!!

As you can see, Lawson is laid back and super happy to be hanging out with his Grandpa. Grandpa doesn't seem to mind it either. When I explain that my Dad isn't my biological father, people are kind of shocked. To be honest, so am I. Sometimes I even forget that's the case. I'm so thankful he's the Dad God chose for me!


Date Night?

I don't know if it counts as a date night if we take Lawson with us, but that's exactly what we did a week or so ago. Jason and I are super adventurous eaters, so we took Lawson to our favorite place...Chili's. Okay, so maybe not so adventurous, but we still had a great time.

I'm sure I've said this before, but we have THE BEST baby EVER!! My sweet boy just hung out in his seat the whole time we were there. Didn't fuss. Didn't cry. Just sat there enjoying the evening out. 

 Lawson loves his Daddy. And, his Daddy likes him a little too.

Getting a little sleepy.

Loved me some date night with my two favorite boys!
