Monday, August 29, 2011


This story was too good not to post. Here is a run down of what just happened in my office (to really understand this, you neede to know that I have stopped wearing my wedding band because it's pretty snug and I don't like the idea of having it cut off.My three stone anniversary ring is usually worn on my right hand, but that's getting snug too, so it has been relocated to my left hand with my engangement ring.):
  • I realize I only have one ring on my left hand. My engangement ring.
  • My heart starts to race because I just KNOW I put two rings on my left hand this morning.
  • I turn my office upsidedown looking for the missing ring.
  • I ask Sherry to come look and see if she can find it. Perhaps I'm just overlooking it because I'm freaking out.
  • Sherry turns my office upsidedown (including going through my trash...she's such a good friend :-)).
  • NO RING.
  • Sherry looks by the begals we had in our office today just in case I left it there.
  • NO RING!
  • We decide maybe I didn't put both of them on today, so I try to calm down.
  • I backtrack to the bathroom scanning the floor then search the counter in the bathroom just in case.
  • NO RING!
  • I mention said missing ring to a couple other co-workers who are very concerned (one of whom prays I will find it).
  • I sit back down to work and tell myself if I don't calm down by lunch perhaps I'll drive home at lunch and see if it's there.
  • Then I start to type and realize there is one place I didn't look: MY OTHER HAND!!!!!!!
Yep. You guessed it. I caused a mild panic in my office and nearly gave myself a heartattack because I lost my ring on my other hand. I have officially lost my mind and should not be allowed to go out without supervision. I'm a dangerous person.

Darn pregnant brain!!!

Mandy (I think...though sometimes I do good to remember my name too.)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

19 Weeks

I know these pictures are a little late (considering I'll actually be 20 weeks Saturday), but it's been a busy week. Baby Boy Keyes has been moving around more and more...well, I've been able to feeling him moving around more and more. I have a doctor's appointment next Wednesday where we'll have the 20 week ultrasound. I'm excited to see my little guy again (too bad I can't just get an ultrasound machine to have at my house :-)).

I'm getting bigger and bigger all the time. I can only still wear a couple of pairs of regular pants (a size bigger than what I normally wear) with my belly band. So, maternity pants, here I come! :-)

I think I've worn this pink dress in some of the previous pictures, but I'm okay with that because it is SO comfortable!!!

Until next week,

Monday, August 22, 2011


Have you ever been so overwhelmed with God's blessings in your life that you can barely speak without crying tears of joy and you're just not sure how to show your gratitude?

This has happened to me more times than I can count. At my 30th birthday party, when I looked around and saw all of my friends and family and the Elvis impersonator (yes, Elvis impersonator :-)), I was overwhelmed. What a blessing to celebrate a milestone in life with people and music you love!! It was supposed to be a joint birthday party with my sweet friend Lora, but in true, selfless, Lora fashion, she managed to make it mostly about me. Did I mention I was overwhelmed??

Sometimes when my niece hugs Jason and me so tight I can barely breathe and she shouts, "Addi sandwich! Addi sandwich!!" I'm overwhelmed.

When Jason is just Jason and says just the right thing at just the right time, I'm overwhelmed. He calls this me being a sap, but I'm just grateful!

Well, it's happening again. Since I announced my pregnancy, I have had five groups of people (friends, family, co-workers) offer to host a baby shower in honor of Baby Boy Keyes. FIVE!! I. AM. OVERWHELMED.

God has blessed me with some of the most phenomenal friendships in my life, and I thank Him for those blessings as often as I can.  Carla, Lora, Katie, Katy, Laura, Jill and Amy you are too sweet to give of your time and yourselves! I cannot thank you enough!

He has also blessed me with a great job and wonderful co-workers. Two of the sweet ladies in my office asked the day I told them I was expecting if it was too early to start planning a baby shower. They even brought me a ultrasound picture frame and "What To Expect When You're Expecting" the very next day. Thank you Bea and Beth! Another friend at work manages to listen to every little baby conversation or comment I have EVERY DAY. And, she still seems interested. She tells me how cute my growing belly is everyday too, which is fantastic after struggling to find something to fit and wear for the day. You're the best Sherry!

I could go on and on. I say all of this for a couple of reasons. One, to brag on my sweet friends and how wonderful they are. None of them would ever seek recognition for any of this, but they deserve it none the less. Two, to brag on God and His goodness. I don't deserve any of the blessings He sees fit to bestow upon me, but He does it anyway!

So, in case you missed it: I'm overwhelmed with blessings and more grateful than words could ever express.

PS As I was typing this, Baby Boy was going a little nuts. I think he's overwhelmed too!!! :-)


Monday, August 15, 2011

18 Weeks

Eighteen weeks!! I’m feeling great (except for the occasional heartburn) and getting more and more excited by the day. Jason and I just can’t wait to meet our little boy! We still haven’t settled on a name. Jason keeps reassuring me that we have plenty of time…and he’s right. Thank goodness Jason's not quite as high strung/obsessive as I am. Can you imagine?!?!!??
I’ve decided that this whole making decisions for/about baby isn’t as easy as it looks. I have friends and family who have had babies, and I was always the first to volunteer ideas for colors, fabric, names, pretty much everything. Now that I’m making all the same decisions for my baby, I see it is a far more difficult task when it’s YOUR baby. Especially the name issue. I mean let’s be honest. It’s his NAME for goodness sake. I want it to be a good one, a strong one, one other kids won’t make fun of (at least for the most part). So, for now, we’ll keep discussing it. I’ll let you know when we’ve made a decision.
Here are the 18 weeks pictures. What you can’t see is that these pants I’m wearing (and have worn in several of the belly pics) won’t button anymore. They are being held in place by my trusty friend the rubber band (they're not just for ponytails anymore people).

Next doctor’s appointment/ultrasound is in two weeks. I’ll keep you posted on Baby Boy Keyes’ progress.

Mommy's Big Guy

As you may know, I have two nephews: Jevin, 18 months and Zander, 12 months on August 29. As you might imagine, this means Baby Boy Keyes will be inheriting TONS of clothes and other goodies from Jevin and Zander. I for one am super pumped about this!! In fact, when we went in to have our gender ultrasound I remember thinking, "okay, if it's a boy, we're set...if it's a girl, we're in trouble..." I'm very excited that there are two "older" boys for Baby Boy Keyes to pal around with as he grows.

All that being said, I do plan on him having some things that are new and just for him. This super cute outfit is his first outfit that is his and only his.

My dear, dear friend Lora brought this back from Branson for Baby Boy Keyes. She said she just couldn't pass it up, and boy am I glad she didn't. I can't wait to have my sweet baby boy all snuggled up in this cozy sweatsuit. It doesn't hurt that it says "Mommy's Big Guy" :-).

Thanks so much sweet Lora!
I'll try not to post a picture of all his cute outfits and gifts, but this one was special. :-)


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

17 Weeks

We've made it to 17 weeks! One of the many listservs I have subscribed to says Baby Keyes should be about the length of a sweet potato at this point in his life. Crazy!!! When we had our ultrasound last week, he was at about six ounces too. So small.

For those of you who are interested, I'm feeling great! No more nausea (praise the Lord!!). A little heartburn here and there, but other than that we're doing great! Everyone wants to know if I'm feeling movement yet. Well, I think so. I know that sounds nuts, but I think I've felt him a few times, but it's such a soft sensation, I'm just not certain. I think I'll be more convinced when he's a little bigger. I'll keep you posted.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Jeremiah 1:5

I realize I won't be able to devote an entire post to every baby gift I receive, but I couldn't resist with this one. My oldest pal Carla (we've literally been friends since 1st grade...) gave me this sweet frame at lunch yesterday. I'm pretty sure the waitress thought I was nuts because I started crying at the table.

This frame is special for several reasons. For one, it's from Carla. Two, it now holds a picture of my sweet baby boy. And, it references one of my favorite scriptures: Jeremiah 1:5.

"Before I formed you in your mother's womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."

This verse reminds me that not only has a plan for me, but He already has a plan for this baby. What a blessing!

Thanks Carla. You're a pal. :-)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Boy Oh Boy!!!

Yep! It's a boy!!!
I know ultrasound pictures don't make sense sometimes, but my lovely and talented friend who did ours labeled it for us. And, speaking of her...we are so thankful for her part in the amazing journey to meeting our little boy!

We found out yesterday, and we are SO excited! We have not made a final decision on a name just yet (I'm open to suggestions if you have them), but I'll keep you posted.

More at a later date...

Monday, August 1, 2011

"You're Pretty Big..."

Last week I went to the local grocery store to buy milk. By the time I made it to the register, I had a gallon of milk, a chuck roast, Gatorade mix, and a watermelon (yes, a watermelon). The cashier bagged my groceries and before I could pick up the two bags, the bag boy (I think that’s what you call them…) picked them up for me. This is the conversation we had:
Me:          “I can get those.”
BagBoy:   “No…I’ll get them. You look like you’re carrying enough on your own anyway” (at which point he glances at my abdomen.)
Me:          “Yea. You’re right.” (chuckling)
BagBoy:   “Is it a boy or a girl?”
Me:          “We don’t know yet.”
BagBoy:   “Really!”
Me:          “We hope to find out soon.”
BagBoy:   “Oh. You’re pretty big, so I figured you were far enough along to know what it is already.”
Me:          “Yea….” (less chuckling)
When I got home I recounted this story to Jason. He asked if he needed to go down there and have a little talk with the guy. I love my husband!!!! J

16 Weeks

We’ve made it to 16 weeks! I saw the doctor this morning, and everything seems to be on track. She found Baby Keyes’ heartbeat almost right away. It was fast and strong. Just as it should be. I’ve gained five pounds in the past month. At my 12 week appointment, I had lost a pound, so I guess I made up that pound. J
Here are the 16 week pictures:

Someone at work today asked me to stand up so she could see my belly. When I did, her response was, “You really are pregnant!!” Yep. Sure am. And super pumped about it too!!!