Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Something New Everyday

I know I've said it before, but Lawson is changing and learning new things every day. It amazes me how much babies learn and change in the first year of their life. I want to record as much as possible about what Lawson is doing and all that he's learning as we make it through this first year. The problem is that it all happens so fast. Lately, it seems like literally it's something new every day. Here's a run down of some things our growing boy is up to these days.

A few weeks ago we started clapping. All. The. Time. Even in the middle of the night when he couldn't stay asleep: clapping. Too funny.

Crawling began the second week of October. Now he crawls so stinking fast it blows my mind.

Pulling up here and there began the second week of October. Now he pulls up on EVERYTHING. The coffee table, the couch, the shelf in his room, the dresser, the side of his bed, the walker (this one is tricky since the walker moves), the sliding glass door, you name it. In the last two weeks, he has been "practicing" getting up and down from a standing position. He does it over and over and over very carefully and deliberately. Practice makes perfect, right.

Playing cars/trucks. Lawson loves to play with his cars and trucks. The best part is that when he rolls them around and back and forth, he makes the car sound. You know, vroooooommmmmm, vrooommmm, vrooommmm. It is maybe the cutest thing ever.

Uh-oh. This week Lawson's favorite thing is saying "Uh-oh." He says it when he drops (throws sometimes) his sippy cup, when he drops his toy or pacifier, when we drop something, when something falls off the table or highchair tray. It's awesome. Sometimes he says it just before he "drops" his sippy cup. Silly kid.

Dog. This week he has also started going to the back sliding glass door, standing up, smacking his hands on the window and saying, "du. du. dug. dug." It's not exactly dog, but he's saying it while looking out at the dogs.

Tossing the ball around. Lawson loves to through his toy balls. He actually likes to throw/toss most things, but he especially likes to toss his ball up in the air and then go after it. He'll do it all over the house. Toss, crawl, pick up, sit up, toss, crawl, pick up, sit up.... Over and over.

Kisses. Lawson is a sweet boy. He's likes to snuggle and likes to cuddle most of the time. Lately he's started giving kisses. Now, if you know anything about babies you know that baby kisses are mostly their open mouth being planted on your face. Slobber everywhere. Maybe one of the best things ever. Lawson does not give kisses to everyone all the time. Some days he wants to give me kisses. Some days he prefers to give Daddy kisses and not me. You just never know. My heart melts when he leans toward me with that slobbery mouth open and plants a kiss on my check.

As you can see, it's a fun time in the Keyes house. We love every minute of it.


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