Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Things Parents Do

Now that Jason and I are parents, we find ourselves doing things we never could have imagined doing: Tripping over a toy car in the middle of the living room floor. Acting a fool in public to try and get Lawson to smile for a picture. Ignoring the show we love on TV because our son is doing something silly. I could go on and on.

Here are a couple of pictures of something we find ourselves doing often...and cannot believe:

At first these look like pictures of Jason feeding Lawson. No big deal, right. Look closer though. Do you see that Jason's iPhone is clipped on the front of his shirt?  What you can't tell from this picture is what's on the screen. It's a video of Laswon laughing in his high chair about three months ago. Why you ask? Well, sometimes, when Lawson is a little...let's just say distracted during a meal, this is what we do to get him to focus and eat. It's the craziest thing. All we have to do is play a video of him laughing or just making noise, and it's like he can't take his eyes off the screen. He finds himself so funny. And, the best part, while he's watching, he just eats and eats. One bite after the other.

Silly boy.
