Minnick's Musings nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award yesterday! This award is for new (-ish) blogs with less than 200 followers. As you know I use this blog primarily to brag on/give updates on Lawson, but I still think this award business is very exciting.
Here are the rules:
•Tell 11 random facts about yourself...see below
•Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you...see below
•Choose 11 blogs that have fewer than 200 followers to nominate (most of the blogs I follow are big blogs, have already been nominated or are private, so I didn't follow the rules on this one)
•Link back to the person who nominated you and thank them! Thanks so much to Brockette at Minnick's Musings!!!
Here are the 11 random facts about myself:
1. I was born in North Dakota in the middle of a blizzard.
2. If I could be any Disney character, it would be Mary Poppins.
3. My favorite Christmas movie is "A Charlie Brown Christmas".
4. There were only 34 people in my high school graduating class.
5. I've worked at UA Fort Smith (Westark College) since my freshman year in college.
6. I was a majorette in high school.
7. I have five God-children.
8. I love fall and winter. I'll even take spring, but I DO NOT like summer!
9. I am the oldest of three children...all girls.
10. My dream vacation would begin in Maine and go down the East Coast during the peak of fall color.
11. I love Elvis, but wasn't born until after he died.
Questions from Minnick's Musings
1. What is your all time favorite movie?
Young Guns II, but I also LOVE Mary Poppins (see random fact #2 above :-)) and The American President.
2. Roller coasters or not?
I used to love them but haven't ridden one in a long time.
3. From start to finish, how long does it take you to get ready every morning? Somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes depending on if I showered the night before or in the morning.
4. What is your favorite color?
Probably red although I do love some purple.
5. What are 3 items you cannot live without?
I will assume items does not mean people or my family would be first on the list. Otherwise I'd say hand lotion, chap stick or lip gloss, and my iPhone (that way I have access to my Bible and pretty much anything else too...is that cheating?).
6. What is your favorite clothing store?
For work clothes I shop a lot at JC Penney. For just regular, everyday clothes, probably Old Navy.
7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Hmmm...probably negativity. It bugs the heck out of me when people want to constantly complain about EVERYTHING! I get that sometimes things are bad, and I get unhappy sometimes too, but really, must we complain during EVERY conversation. Grrrr......:-).
8. What is your favorite past time?
Hanging out with my family (which includes some of my dearest friends). I also rather enjoy driving with the windows down and my favorite music blaring on the radio on a cool fall day.
9. What is one thing you would change about yourself?
I would somehow manage to be on time more. I realize I have control of this as it is, but no matter how hard I try I just can't get places on time (sorry Brockette).
10. What is one thing you would change about your spouse?
Hmmm...I guess I would want him to love vegetables like me. As it is, he won't eat it if it came out of the ground unless it's a potato.
11. What day do you start decorating for Christmas?
Officially, the day after Thanksgiving so as to not make my husband crazy. BUT, there is a VERY strong chance I've been listening to Christmas music since last week.
Happy blogging!
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