Last week when we took Lawson for his 9 month check up, he would only crawl (belly off the ground) for a few strides and he had only pulled up on stuff with help. Two days later this happened in the 60 seconds Daddy was down the hall and Lawson was in the living room playing:
Did this all by himself. I'm not sure which he wanted more: the Dr. Pepper or the Reece's Pieces that were on the table.
Then, later that day, he started crawling all over the house and hasn't stopped since. (I'll post a video of this later)
And, this weekend, we put the legs on our favorite toy. Lawson LOVES it.
In addition to these two huge things, we had another first this week....wait for it....Lawson peed in the bath water. Yep! Almost as soon as his feet his the tub floor. It's a wonder this hasn't happened before. He acted a little shocked actually. Guess he wasn't thrilled about it either. Then again, it happened two days later too, so....
We're so proud of our little man. He's growing up TOO fast! At some level, we want him to stop or at least slow down, but we are also proud parents and cannot wait to see what's to come.
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