Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vocabulary Explosion

This will probably be the last time I try to list the words Lawson says. We have had a vocabulary explosion at our house over the last month or so. I think my favorite thing might be when he puts words together to get his point across. He's not speaking in sentences, but he's figuring out how to express himself for sure. Here's a list of what I can think of:
  • Cat (which can also correctly identify)
  • Chicken (comes out "chichen" but he can also correctly identify this one too)
  • Pig (comes out "pit" but he can also correctly identify this one too)
  • Bus (comes out "bes" can also correctly identify this one)
  • Elmo
  • Eat
  • Flip flop (comes out fwop fwop)
  • Back (as in "put it back, Lawson." when he gets into something he shouldn't)
  • Ellie (our winnie dog)
  • Abby (our other female dog who he used to call Abbu)
  • Grandpa (Gampa)
  • Cook
  • See it (when he wants you to pick him up so he can see what you're when I'm cooking)
  • Pooh (Winnie the Pooh)
  • Tractor (cactor)
  • Mango (he LOVES mango)
  • Peas (he LOVES peas)
  • Yuck (in context when he falls and gets mud on his hands)
  • Weeeee (as in what you say when you swing on the swing set)
  • Breakfast (breafis)
  • Bite (obviously when he's eating, but also when he points to the candy dish at home)
  • Feet
  • Eye
  • Hair
  • Ball(s)
  • Block
  • Up and Down
  • Done (when he's in his high chair but wants to be done eating)
  • Choo-choo (train)
  • Bath time (comes out bat-bah, but still)
  • Momma cup (when he sees my cup...or any Sonic cup really)
  • Daddy cup (when he sees any bottled drink like Pepsi or Dr. Pepper)
  • Nana cup (when he sees a water bottle or Mt. Dew bottle)
  • Milk cup (as opposed to his water cup for the day)
  • Snack cup
  • Night night (when I hand him his milk cup after bath time and jammies are on)
  • Kay (as in the letter K, which he can also correctly identify on his alphabet wall...a story for another post)
  • No, no dog!! (when the dogs are scratching at the door or fighting/playing or barking like crazy)
I'm know it may be a bit ridiculous to post this list, but for one thing, I'm proud of my boy. And, for another, I want to be able to remember this kind of stuff later.

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