Friday, April 5, 2013

Easter Eve

The day before Easter we finally died our eggs. I went back and forth about whether or not to even do it since Lawson is still just a little guy. Jason made a point to tell me we needed to do it though, so we did. Well, sort of. Here are the pics from dying eggs. Lawson didn't exactly do the dying but he got to watch. Next year I'm sure it will be very different and a lot more messy.

Lawson got a balloon thing (not sure what it's actually called) from Grandpa and Gigi. It was a duck but also resembled a baby chicken (like the ones in the book where he learned the word chicken). When Lawson saw it, he said, "chichen!" It was so cute I didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't a "chichen", so instead we called it the "chichen ball" until it ended up with a hole in it and went flat. He loved it while it lasted at least.

I just love watching the boy play. He is full speed ahead all the time too (which is why some of the these pictures are blurry). This is such a fun age!


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