Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Boys: Visit to the Nature Center

A couple of Saturdays ago my Mom and I took Lawson and Jevin (my nephew) to the Janet Huckabee River Valley Nature Center (even the accronym for this is long so we'll just call it The Nature Center from this point forward). We had such a good time! It was a beautiful day.

 Aren't these the cutes boys you've ever seen? Jevin is quite the cowboy as you can see. Lawson was fascinated with his hat.

 Lawson wasn't too sure about this, so this is the best picture we got.

He just spotted the deer and was very excited about it. He was even more excited about the fish in the big tank, but somehow I didn't get a picture of that. Bad Momma.

Nana took a turn on stroller duty when we walked one of the trails.

 And, Jevin led the way. He was quite confident as you can see.

Nana found a couple of ducks sleeping under this tree near the lake, but when Jevin saw them, they woke up.

And, as usual, Lawson wanted to go whereever Jevin went. This is me trying to keep him from bailing off into the lake.

Taking a little snack break.

Jevin loved climbing up these rocks.

And Lawson loved following him. Me, not so much since i kept picturing Lawson tripping and smashing his head on the rocks. I played it cool, but still.

Somebody isn't super pumped about having his picture taken at the end of the day.

And, once we got home the boys took a spin on the mower with Daddy/Uncle Jason. I cannot describe to you just how obsessed Lawson is with the mower. He loves it!!

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