Monday, April 29, 2013

Sweet Boys: Visit to the Nature Center

A couple of Saturdays ago my Mom and I took Lawson and Jevin (my nephew) to the Janet Huckabee River Valley Nature Center (even the accronym for this is long so we'll just call it The Nature Center from this point forward). We had such a good time! It was a beautiful day.

 Aren't these the cutes boys you've ever seen? Jevin is quite the cowboy as you can see. Lawson was fascinated with his hat.

 Lawson wasn't too sure about this, so this is the best picture we got.

He just spotted the deer and was very excited about it. He was even more excited about the fish in the big tank, but somehow I didn't get a picture of that. Bad Momma.

Nana took a turn on stroller duty when we walked one of the trails.

 And, Jevin led the way. He was quite confident as you can see.

Nana found a couple of ducks sleeping under this tree near the lake, but when Jevin saw them, they woke up.

And, as usual, Lawson wanted to go whereever Jevin went. This is me trying to keep him from bailing off into the lake.

Taking a little snack break.

Jevin loved climbing up these rocks.

And Lawson loved following him. Me, not so much since i kept picturing Lawson tripping and smashing his head on the rocks. I played it cool, but still.

Somebody isn't super pumped about having his picture taken at the end of the day.

And, once we got home the boys took a spin on the mower with Daddy/Uncle Jason. I cannot describe to you just how obsessed Lawson is with the mower. He loves it!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Our Life In Pictures

I have some random pictures on my phone, so I thought I would share. Some are from some pretty important events. :-)

Our first Sonic cheeseburger. Jr. Double Cheese Burger to be exact. He ate half of the burger and half of the fries. I ate the other halves. This may be a good way for Momma to cut back. :-)

He loves these little squeeze things. Sometimes he makes a mess, but he does pretty good for the most part.

In case you didn't know, these are "fwap-fwaps". NOT flip-flops.

That's a mini club cracker on his head, but he kept putting it up there and saying, "hat." Silly boy.

Does this one really need a caption? 

Poor Monk. At some point during this day, he pulled some of Monk's hat out and then tried to put it back.

Getting veeeerry sleepy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Daddy.

VERY sleepy.
Daddy's little helper.

Nana visited the Disney Store. He just kept pointing at it and kissing Mickey while saying, "Hot Dog!"

Some one's seat got turned around where he can see better and get more cool air now that it's warming up.

Giving Miles kisses.

15 Months

Sweet Lawson Jace is 15 months (and one week) old! I honestly can't believe it. I know I go on a lot about how quickly the time passes with this little guy, but seriously, it's crazy! It seems like this little boy changes/learns something new every minute of the day. Literally, there are days that I tell Jason something Lawson did in the evening (while Daddy is teaching a night, and he's surprised because it's something new from that very morning when Jason was with him.

He's all over the place and moving at full-speed. He loves to play outside. He loves to play with all trucks and cars. He loves to throw the ball (big or small or in-between). And, he loves books! Many times he will go into his room and get quiet. When we go to check on him, more often than not, he's sitting in front of his book shelf with a bunch of books laid out just flipping through one of them. I love his personality so much. He is silly and sweet and smart. He loves The Hot Dog Dance on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, the song at the end of Thomas the Train, and the beginning of Choo Choo Soul (with Genevieve). He even says, "Ah Boar Choo Choo, Ah Boar!", which for those of you who don't watch Disney Junior, translates to, "All Aboard the Choo Choo Train, All Aboard!" This is the Choo Choo Soul song.

He's getting much more comfortable being places with new people (as long as Jason or I are somewhere close by). We are still working on staying in the nursery at church, but we'll get there. He knows what he wants and when he wants it, which is good and bad, but we are working on this too :-). He loves to eat for the most part, and he will eat almost anything. He loves pancakes, cinnamon French toast, fruit, scrambled eggs, Hawaiian rolls, green beans, peas (yes, peas), carrots, sweet potatoes, sausage, ham, oh goodness, you get the picture. The kid can put the food away, and I am so glad. I know lots of people who's kids are picky eaters, so I feel very blessed that Lawson isn't.

At our 15 month check up, Dr. Jon says Lawson is health and very good natured. He commented on how well Lawson listens (which I actually thought was pretty funny). The nurse told us she had to double check his chart to make sure she was giving the right shots, because he talks more like a lot of two year old kids she works with rather than a 15 month old. He's right on track for average weight and height at 24 pounds and 2 ounces and 31.25 inches tall.

I have some much to share about what Lawson is up to at this point in his life, but I'll stop for now and just say how blessed we are to have a happy, healthy 15 month old little boy. I makes my day everyday. I'm not sure how we made it so long without him. Momma and Daddy love you very much Lawson Jace.

Playing with trucks (of course) at our 15 month appointment.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Vocabulary Explosion

This will probably be the last time I try to list the words Lawson says. We have had a vocabulary explosion at our house over the last month or so. I think my favorite thing might be when he puts words together to get his point across. He's not speaking in sentences, but he's figuring out how to express himself for sure. Here's a list of what I can think of:
  • Cat (which can also correctly identify)
  • Chicken (comes out "chichen" but he can also correctly identify this one too)
  • Pig (comes out "pit" but he can also correctly identify this one too)
  • Bus (comes out "bes" can also correctly identify this one)
  • Elmo
  • Eat
  • Flip flop (comes out fwop fwop)
  • Back (as in "put it back, Lawson." when he gets into something he shouldn't)
  • Ellie (our winnie dog)
  • Abby (our other female dog who he used to call Abbu)
  • Grandpa (Gampa)
  • Cook
  • See it (when he wants you to pick him up so he can see what you're when I'm cooking)
  • Pooh (Winnie the Pooh)
  • Tractor (cactor)
  • Mango (he LOVES mango)
  • Peas (he LOVES peas)
  • Yuck (in context when he falls and gets mud on his hands)
  • Weeeee (as in what you say when you swing on the swing set)
  • Breakfast (breafis)
  • Bite (obviously when he's eating, but also when he points to the candy dish at home)
  • Feet
  • Eye
  • Hair
  • Ball(s)
  • Block
  • Up and Down
  • Done (when he's in his high chair but wants to be done eating)
  • Choo-choo (train)
  • Bath time (comes out bat-bah, but still)
  • Momma cup (when he sees my cup...or any Sonic cup really)
  • Daddy cup (when he sees any bottled drink like Pepsi or Dr. Pepper)
  • Nana cup (when he sees a water bottle or Mt. Dew bottle)
  • Milk cup (as opposed to his water cup for the day)
  • Snack cup
  • Night night (when I hand him his milk cup after bath time and jammies are on)
  • Kay (as in the letter K, which he can also correctly identify on his alphabet wall...a story for another post)
  • No, no dog!! (when the dogs are scratching at the door or fighting/playing or barking like crazy)
I'm know it may be a bit ridiculous to post this list, but for one thing, I'm proud of my boy. And, for another, I want to be able to remember this kind of stuff later.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Family Time

After church and Lawson's nap, my mom and sisters and niece and nephew came to our house for dinner. It had rained for two days before, so unfortunately the kiddos had to hunt eggs in the house. Not ideal but still a fun time for everyone.

As you can see, the Easter Bunny came to see the kids. Everyone got a new ball and plenty of treats.

The Easter Bunny (Nana) brought Lawson a helmet for when he rides his four-wheeler. This just makes me laugh.

Happy Easter

Easter is such a special day. The celebration of Christ's resurrection is like nothing else. Part of me wants to shout from the roof tops, but I also find myself feeling like I should humbly fall to my knees in praise and gratitude for the gift of life and salvation I have because of the sacrifice He made on the cross. What an awesome, loving, merciful God I serve.

Lawson got a new suit of clothes for church and a hat too! He wasn't super pumped about the hat like I was, but we did manage to get a picture of him before he pulled it off...again. Isn't he handsome.

Easter Eve

The day before Easter we finally died our eggs. I went back and forth about whether or not to even do it since Lawson is still just a little guy. Jason made a point to tell me we needed to do it though, so we did. Well, sort of. Here are the pics from dying eggs. Lawson didn't exactly do the dying but he got to watch. Next year I'm sure it will be very different and a lot more messy.

Lawson got a balloon thing (not sure what it's actually called) from Grandpa and Gigi. It was a duck but also resembled a baby chicken (like the ones in the book where he learned the word chicken). When Lawson saw it, he said, "chichen!" It was so cute I didn't have the heart to tell him it wasn't a "chichen", so instead we called it the "chichen ball" until it ended up with a hole in it and went flat. He loved it while it lasted at least.

I just love watching the boy play. He is full speed ahead all the time too (which is why some of the these pictures are blurry). This is such a fun age!
