Monday, March 11, 2013

The Dogs

Lawson is very amused by our dogs. He loves to watch them and talk to them (yell at them sometimes) through the patio door. He will tell them to "git" if they try to jump on him or lick him. As he gets bigger I know he will spend hours and hours running with them in the backyard. Here are a few shots from a (fairly) recent playtime with the dogs in the backyard.

That is Abby. Abby lives for attention. I think she would literally rather have attention than food. She just rolls over every time Lawson is outside and lets (or begs more like) him to pet her, which he does. 

That is Miles. Miles was our first child. We drove all the way to Oklahoma City to get him like a month after we got married, which means he just turned 12. As you can tell by the blur he is in these pictures, he still has a ton of energy even at his age. He's grumpy like an old man, but he has enough energy for like five dogs put together.

This last little blur is Ellie. As you can see, she's a miniature dachshund. She's the fasted tongue in the west. She will lick you before you even see her coming, which is what she's doing to Lawson in this picture. 

Silly dogs. 


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