Lawson will be 14 months old next week. I have wanted to post his 12 month update for a while now, but since I plan to print this blog in book form soon, I wanted the posts to be in order. Plus, I really want to record every detail, and something new seems to happen every day.
When people tell you kids grow up too fast, they mean it. I have heard this all my life, and I've even said it myself about my nieces and nephews. As the proud Momma of a almost 14 month old little boy, I now have a whole new appreciation for what this phrase actually means. I honestly don't know where this last year has gone. It's happened right before my eyes, but somehow I didn't see it. What an amazing year! What an amazing gift God gave us in our Lawson Jace.
Here is a little review of where Lawson is at this point in his life:
- Weight (as of his 12 month check up): 22 lbs 7 oz
- Height 29.5 inches (as of his 12 month check up):
- Teeth: Almost 5 - Two on bottom and two whole teeth and two just barely peeking through on top.
- Recent Vocabulary (words Lawson says consistently.this is not an all-inclusive list, but covers the most frequentlyl used words/phrases):
- Momma
- Daddy
- Hi (very long and drawn out and sing-song sometimes)
- Cuck = car and/or truck (for a while he would say "tuck" but when we started differentiate between truck and car, it became "cuck")
- Dunt Cuck = dump truck (he has several of these, one of which says, "I'm a dump truck!" He picked this one up on his own.
- Cup
- Malk = Milk (we started saying milk in place of bottle or nummies when we switched to regular milk and quit using a bottle)
- Aaaahh side = outside (this one is a little sing-song too because that's how Nana says it during the day when they go ooouuutside.
- Monk = his favorite little sock monkey. Monk is now his name.
- Awww Maaan = Oh Man! This is his new favorite thing to say these days
- Eat
- Addie = either Addie (as in my niece Addison) or Abby (as in one of our dogs)
- Sist = Shoe. When he says this it sounds an awful lot like a bad work for poo. I think he may be combining the sounds of shoe and socks some how. Funny either way.
- Sock
- Hot Dog (which is what he wants to eat for every meal)
- Schnacks = Snacks
- Uh-oh
- Bat = Bath
- Dog
- Mike = Miles (our Jack Russell)
- Cack-ca = Cracker
- Bye-bye (usually said after someone leaves as opposed to as they are leaving)
- Nicknames (I'm not sure how some of these came about, but here are some we've used/use):
- Law Dog
- Lawson Jace
- Law-shin
- Bubbers
- Tootie
- Toot-Toot
- Honey Pot
- Snuggy Bug
- Chief
- Bubba-Lou
- Bubba-louie
- Tootie Pants
- Sweet Cheeks
- Favorite Things
- Monk
- Chuck the Dump Truck
- The fast/loud car Daddy got him when he was sick over Christmas. Lawson was terrified of this car for a couple of weeks. Would not go near it. Then the big kids played with it at his birthday party, and Jevin played with it with Lawson one afternoon. It's been one of his favorites since.
- The motorcycle Momma and Daddy got him for Christmas. It plays music, which make his wanna dance!!
- Any ball he can get his hands on, but mostly the blue flashy one Gigi got for him, the basketball Nana got him for Christmas, and the little Navy stress-reliever ball he got from Todd at my office.
- Bottles. Water bottles. Pepsi or any other soda bottles. He likes to throw his head back and pretend to gulp, gulp, gulp.
- Adele's 21 CD. He loves to listen to this in the car. Might have something to do with how much I listened to it while I was pregnant.
- Eating Cheerios out of your snack bowl all by yourself.
What a sweet sweet boy!
ReplyDeleteI really love the fact that we aren't the only parents that call our child a plethora of nick names!!!