Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Saturday Fun

Last weekend Lawson and I had a busy day. After our breakfast, we headed out to Wal Mart. I have tried not to buy Lawson something every time we go to the store. As much as I love to buy stuff for my boy, I just don't want him to expect something every time. Silly maybe. Anyway, we've been looking for a big truck of some kind for a while. Lawson loves to push his cars and trucks all over the house but some of them are pretty small and it makes it difficult. So, this time I broke my rule and bought the kid a new truck.

We also spent some time outside after lunch. This kid loves to throw things, so of course, when we are outside, he wants to throw rocks. He also likes to hang out in Daddy's shop.

Once we were in for the night, Lawson insisted in carrying Jason's boots around the house. They were filthy, so I kept asking him to go put them up. He would carrying them back to the laundry room and put them right back where he found them, but then pick them up again and bring them back into the living room. So, we decided maybe he would be happy with his own boots instead.

As you can see he didn't want to just carry his boots around. He wanted them on. Probably not great fashion sense, but dang cute if you ask me. When he wears his boots, he tends to pick his feet up higher with each step. I think he likes the sound they make on the floor.

What a great day!

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