So serious.

A little silly.

Trick-or-Treating at Nana's house.

Trick-or-Treating at Grandpa's house.

Trick-or-Treating Daddy in his office.
Is he not the CUTEST little boy in that sweet hat and overalls!! I just love him. We had so much fun with him. I'm sure it will just get better and better every year.
On a related note, my friend Katie is expecting her first child in January. Her due date is only a few days after Lawson's birthday, so she is about as far along now as I was last year at this time. She posted a pic this week of the pumpkin her husband painted on her belly, and it made me think of last year when Jason painted my belly. I guess you could say Lawson was a pumpkin for Halloween last year :-).
For the record, Katie, I think I was bigger than you. :-)
Whatever, you were totally not. And even if you were you were due before me, silly! I had forgotten what your pumpkin looked like.. it was awesome!