On Saturday, we took Lawson and Addison to Deer Acres Zoo in Hackett. I'm from Hackett but had somehow never been there. We had a good time minus the time we spent trying to chase the geese away so Lawson would stop screaming. He HATED the geese. The geese just wanted the food we had, so any time they would get too close, Jason would throw a bunch of it away from us so they would go eat and leave us alone. Let's face it people. Geese are scary with their long necks and their loud honking as they run at you with their mouths open. There's also a chance I was chased by a goose when I was little, so I might be a little sympathetic to Lawson's terror at the sight/sound of geese. :-)
Addison fed the donkeys, and can I just say few things are cuter than a baby donkey. I'm not sure why, but man they are cute!
How cute are these two holding hands? Lawson would go anywhere Addison wanted. And, she's pretty crazy about him too.
Feeding baby goats. Also very cute, and much more Lawson's speed.

He would even feed the big goats. Every time they would take food from his hand he would smack his lips like he was taking a bit too.
And they had some playground equipment too, so we took advantage of the nice weather and played some.
Later that evening we had our first bonfire of the season. We love a good bonfire, and since we can do it right in our own backyard, it's even better. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. Lawson loved it, and he was actually a very good boy around the fire. He kept pointing at it saying, "hot fire, no-no."

My favorite boys in my favorite time of year doing one of my favorite things. I am one happy Momma.

What a fun day we had! I LOVE fall, so I'm looking forward to more and more of this in the next few months.