This was one morning last week about 15 minutes after he got out of bed. I did manage to get his diaper changed before he wanted them dumped out, but then, blocks it is.

The interesting thing is the way he plays with his blocks. He generally plays with one color at a time. Or at least stacks one color at a time. Notice in the first picture above all of the white blocks on the little car and the green ones in his hands? In the picture above you can also see turquoise blocks with green blocks stacked on top and then a white one on top of that. He dug through all the blocks and found both square turquoise blocks (he finds one and then says, "other one?" and stacked them together. Then he found both of the square green blocks (again, finding one then asking, "other one?") and stacked them together and then on top of the turquoise. Then he started taking the white ones off the car and trying to put them on top of the square green blocks.Sometimes he will find all small blue blocks and line them up on the car. Sometimes it's yellow or red. He's so funny! We started telling him which color is which when he picks them up hoping he will learn his colors. We figure if he can already sort them, he might as well know which color is which.
And, speaking of stacking, this is what Lawson did while I put groceries away yesterday. He's so funny. Of course, once he has everything all stacked up, he always wants to knock it down and say, "Crash-a-boomy!!!"
And, this is what he did at Academy last week while Daddy was looking at fishing lures. Perhaps we have a future engineer or architect on our hands.
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