Lawson's first Fourth of July was last year, and we played it pretty low-key. We spent the day around the house and then drove all over Fort Smith trying to find a good burger (we wanted Dairy Freeze, but they were closed), but ended up at Hardee's. Last summer Lawson was in his "in bed asleep by 7:30p or all heck break lose phase), so he was asleep long before he had the chance to see any fireworks for sure. The burger fiasco is a long story, but the point is that this year was WAY different.
This kid has started smiling for the camera ( these days. He's way too cute for words.
We spent the Fourth at my mom's down on the farm land. Jason had helpers while he set off a few smoke bombs and such. Lawson was pretty entertained by the little black snakes and the popper things (that you throw and the snap...not sure what the actual name is).
I just love this picture. I'm not sure what they were even doing, but could they look more alike?
And, this is pretty typical around our house. Lawson watching Daddy. This kid is Daddy's little buddy for sure. He loves hanging out with his Daddy.

As you can see, Lawson has taken to wearing his hat. Until just a couple of weeks ago, he wouldn't keep a hat on for more than five seconds. Now, any time he wants to go bye-bye, he wants his hat. He will find his shoes (and Daddy or Momma's shoes), and once shoes are on, he heads for the hats. He points and will say, "Daddy hat" or "Momma hat" then, "my hat." He thinks we should all wear our hats when we go places. Haha. I think he looks much more grown up with his hat on, which is bittersweet.
Addison and I were watching Jason and Lawson when she said, "we should both make fish faces and take our picture." This girl cracks me up. We have done the fish face together since she was little bitty. She now has it perfected and will even tell her Momma (my sister Stephanie) that "only me and Auntie Mandy can do it right." She's a mess! I just love this little Angel Fish.
And, Lawson loves her too (as does Jevin). He follows her around everywhere she goes! And, she's super good to help out with him. If she was 12 instead of 6, she'd be our babysitter for sure. As it is though, she helps Nanna babysit a lot.
He fell asleep on the two minute drive from Nanna's house to where we sat to watch the fireworks, but as soon as I stopped the car, he opened his eyes and started squealing. He doesn't look very awake in this picture, but I assure you he was.
Did I mention that this little boy loves his cousin Addison? She was sitting with her arm around him when he just reached over and wrapped both arms around her neck. So sweet.
I kept trying to take pictures, but the flash on my phone was so bright this is what a lot of them looked like. Both kids with either their eyes closed or their hands in front of their faces. Oh well.
And this is my favorite picture of the night. This little boy LOVES his Daddy!!!! He's just as content as can be sitting there. What you can't see is that he's patting Jason's head under his hat. Sweet boy! A funny thing happend just before this though. My mom and sister and Addison and I were saying, "Jason!" while trying to get his attention to come sit in a better spot than where he had his chair. Apparently Lawson thought we needed some help, so he started shouting (very loudly and with much enthusiasum), "JASON!!!!! JASON!!!! JASON!!!" I don't think he had the slightest idea who Jason was, but it sure was funny!
No doubt the best part of the fireworks show was watching Lawson watch the "stars!!!" (this is what he shouted when the fireworks would go off in the sky). We had a great Fourth of July this year. And, we had a good burger (that my mom made and Jason grilled) this year too. :-)
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