Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Overnight Stay

I can't believe I forgot to post this. It's a huge deal in the life of new parents and a first-born child. Lawson stayed the night with his Nana the day after Thanksgiving!!! Yep. That's right. His first night away. They picked him up after his dinner, and Nana brought him home after lunch the next day. I realize that doesn't sound like very long, but trust me, in my world, that's an eternity without my little boy. Same goes for Jason.

I was fine until they got out the door. I let Jason put him in his seat and get him all buckled in. I had all his bags packed and ready to go. I kissed him good bye. We turned to walk back to the living room (having not even walked them to the car because that would have been WAY too hard), and I lost it. Jason gave me a tight squeeze, reassured me that he would be fine, and that he would have fun, turned me toward the couch and said, "Now, sit down and let's watch some TV...uninterrupted TV." So that's what we did. Our big night alone, and we sat on the couch and watch old episodes of The Big Bang Theory. About an hour in, Jason started running a fever, took some medicine and passed out on the couch. That's when I got busy. I tend to be the most productive when I'm angry or upset or apparently when I'm trying not to think about my child not being in the next room. I cleaned for about three hours. Then the next morning I got the Christmas stuff out and put up the little bit of stuff we wanted out this year.

Nana brought Lawson home, and we were SO excited to see him. By that night though Jason was even more miserable. The next morning when Lawson and I got up to go to church, Jason headed to the doctor. Lawson and I went to lunch with Nana at which point we found out Jason had strep throat. Awesome. So, I went to get his prescription filled while Lawson hung out with Nana, Auntie Tina and Jevin, and then I came home and packed bags for Lawson and I to stay with Nana for the night. Jason HATED being away from his boy for another night, but we did not want him catching strep.

It was a whirlwind of a weekend. Jason and I made it through Lawson being gone for the night, and Lawson had a great time at Nana's house.

Lawson playing with the kitchen in the playroom at Nana's. The stove is off limits at home, so I guess he was making up for it by playing with this one. :-)

Nana helping Lawson pop a wheelie on the four wheeler. Nan's house is like Toys R Us she has so many fun things to play with. 


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