At his six month check up, Lawson weighed 19 pounds and 2 ounces and was 27.5 inches long. That's 80th percentile for height and 75th percentile for weight. He is wearing size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothes. He's a big healthy boy.

Look at those chubby legs! And, as you can see, he is a little obsessed with his feet/toes right now. He loves to try and pull his toes up to his mouth, which is funny because his chubby little belly kind of gets in the way some times.

He LOVES to eat. He loves rice cereal and pretty much anything else we give him. So far, I'm making all of his baby food (pureed veggies and fruit). So far we rotate between green beans, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash for the most part. He also liked bananas but didn't take well to peaches on the first try (we'll try again though). He ate avocado but wasn't super excited about it. :-)

He LOVES the water. He loves bath time and loves playing in the baby pool we have in the backyard.

Not sure what Jason will think about me posting this pic, but look how happy they both are. :-)

This is one of my favorites. Look at that sweet face.
Last month his favorite sound was bah bah bah bah..... These days we hear a lot of dadadadadadadada and mamamamamamamama. We LOVE it!
Lawson Jace, Mommy and Daddy love you very much...more than we even imagined possible. You are the best thing we've ever done! You have completely changed our lives. I don't know what we did without you all those years. We are so thankful for you!!
I just love those sweet cheeks!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe is so adorable! And getting so big!