Weight: 16 pounds 6 ounces (75th percentile...he's not missing any meals as you can see from those cheeks!)
Length: 25 inches long (50th percentile)
Diaper Size: 2
Clothes: Lawson is wearing 3-6 month clothes and they are just a fit. His 6 month stuff is still a little big, but we have decided that buying 3-6 month stuff is a waste since he will likely only wear it once.
Sleeping: Lawson has been sleeping through the night since I went back to work. It's like he knew I was going back and decided to let me sleep all night. Sweet boy! He consistently takes his last bottle around 8p and is asleep and in bed by 8:30p. He usually wakes for a bottle and diaper change between 5a and 7a. Once he's dry and feed, he goes back down for about and hour or sometimes two. Go ahead and say it...I'm so lucky!! Actually, we are blessed. He's just a GREAT baby!!! Praise the LORD!
Eating: Lawson takes about seven ounces of formula every four hours during the day and has two ounces of juice in the morning and in the afternoon. We will be trying rice cereal for the first time this weekend. VERY exciting!!! :-)
All-in-all, we have the BEST baby on the planet! He's happy and healthy and seems to just enjoy pretty much everything. He LOVES to kick his legs and now that he can roll from back to belly in both directions, he LOVES being on his belly. Although, he does get a little frustrated when there is a toy just out of reach and he can't get his front end to go at the same time as his back end. Poor guy. I'll post a video of that in another post.
Here are some pics and a video from his doctor's appointment. These are pre-shots.
More to come...
He is so cute. I just want to kiss his little belly! : )