Well folks, it's finished. Yep. The long talked about alphabet wall in Lawson's room is finished!!!
I don't know about you, but I LOVE IT!!! Some of the letters I made/purchased myself, but many of them were gifts/made by others. Here's the rundown:
The letter A is brought to you by Julie Mosley.
The letter D (as in Dallas Cowboys) is brought to you by my pal Carla Glass.
The letter G is brought to you by my Mom (Nana). It's made from lariat rope that used to be my Grandpa's.
The letters C, F, J, and L are brought to you by Katie Kratzberg.
The letter M is brought to you by Brockette Minnick.
The letter N is brought to you by Nancy Rhodes.
The letters O (yes that's a button...so cute) and Q are brought to you by Monique Forehand. She MADE that button!!
The letters R, T, V, and X (yep, two baseball bats :-)) are brought to you by my Dad and Step-mom (Grandpa and Gigi).
The letter Y is brought to you by the lovely ladies who coordinated my shower at work.
The letter Z is brought to you by Dre' (she doesn't really need a last name...she's Dre!:-))
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who helped make this vision a reality. Thanks to Katie K who originally showed me the idea in the first place. I LOVE IT!!!
"...now I've said my A, B, C's. Next time won't you say 'em with me...."