Most of you probably know how it all went down, but just for the sake of having it in print, here's the story.
We had a great Christmas, and I enjoyed the week off between Christmas and New Year's Day. I did stuff around the house and really just tried to get as much rest as possible. Then, on New Year's Eve, it hit me. I was sick: upper respiratory and deep chest congestion/cough sick. I went to my doctor's appointment on Tuesday, January 3. The doctor gave me a prescription and said I should go home and rest until I was better..."you need to be well when you have that baby." She asked me to come back on Friday, the 6th, to see if I was getting better. I am blessed to have a wonderful job with people who stepped up and handled my work that week, so I stayed home all week and basically slept and coughed...coughed a lot.
On Friday, January 6, I woke up hurting. To be honest, I wasn't sure if it was labor or what (having never been in labor before), but since Jason was off work that day, we loaded our bags and went to my scheduled doctor's appointment. By the time we left our house, I was pretty sure what I was feeling every 5 - 10 minutes were contractions, which made me decide I definitely wanted an epidural. :-) Here's the time line for the rest of the day:
8:45 am Checked in at doctor's appointment (still sick and having contractions)
9:15 am Doctor confirms I'm in labor, dilated to 3 and 100% effaced
10:00 am Checked in to labor and delivery
11:30 am Got epidural (thank the Lord!)
2:15 pm Nurse runs every one out of the room and we get to work
3:26 pm Lawson Jace Keyes arrives (and life as we knew it changed...for the best)!!!

First photo.

Proud Daddy.
Lawson weighed in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. He was beautiful (of course) from the first moment we laid eyes on him. We were released from the hospital and sent home on Sunday, January 8 weighing 7 pounds 9 tiny.
That bed looks way to big for such a tiny baby.
This was his first nap in his bed at home.
As you can imagine, our lives have been forever changed. We are so thankful for a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He is growing and growing and learning all kinds of new things every day. I will post more about all that with pictures soon.
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