Wednesday, December 21, 2011

36 Weeks and an Awesome Shirt

Last Saturday I reached 36 weeks. I went to the doctor Monday to begin my weekly check up appointments. I gained another three pounds for a total so far of 35. Everyone assures me that this is okay and that I look great for which I should probably pay all of them :-). In all honesty, the doctor doesn't seem concerned at all about my weight. My blood pressure is still great and the swelling has really just started in the last two weeks. And, compared to some others I've seen, it's not as bad as it could be. At least not yet.

Lawson's heartbeat is strong and the doctor says he sounds nice and comfortable in there. He can stay comfortable for a few more weeks, but then he must speedily come out! She assures me we will not be having a Christmas baby as I was not dilated at all. We'll see where we stand next week I suppose.

A sweet lady at work brought me a super funny Christmas shirt this week, so I had to use it in my 36 week pictures. Sherry took a few extra pictures so you can fully appreciate the shirt :-).

 I think I could fill out a Santa suit quite nicely.

I love the belt!

And, my favorite says, "Does this suit make me look fat?" Hahahaha! I laughed about this pretty much all day yesterday. The lady who bought it for me actually told me about it last week but said she didn't buy it because she didn't want to offend me. After I told her how funny I thought it was, it showed up at my desk. LOVE IT!!!

Merry Christmas!

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