Monday, November 7, 2011

30 Weeks

30 weeks people. 30!!! That means only 10 weeks left until my due date. CRAZY!!! I can't believe we're already at 30 weeks. I literally have something going on every Saturday between now and the due date, so I have a feeling the next 10 weeks will go rather quickly. I still have SO much to do!!

I had a doctor's appointment last week, and I can't remember if I've given you that update yet. So: I've gained 23 pounds. Dr. Rainwater tells me that I'm measuring exactly where I should be at this point in my pregnancy (not too big, not too small, just right). Everything is going well and is just as it should be. I think I've hit that point in my pregnancy where I'm just going to be uncomfortable a lot. Staying comfortable in a chair or on the couch or in bed is a chore. I'm sleeping okay. Up usually at least once a night to visit the bathroom. I'm so glad it's cooling off as I LOVE fall and winter. Makes for better sleepy, snuggly weather.

So that's where we are. Lawson is growing and getting stronger everyday. I know because his movements are crazy strong. He's gotten me in the side with a jab or a kick or something a couple of times recently and taken my breath away. Little stinker!

On a slightly different note, Jason has nicknamed Lawson Law Dog. So, it appears he has his first nickname. Oh my husband. :-)

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. You look so fabulous! You are all baby. Looking forward to seeing you so soon.
