As you can see, I'm still growing. :-) At our appointment, we had what should be our final ultrasound at the doctor's office. Lawson looks well and healthy. He weighed 4.9 pounds. They can't really tell how long he is (because he won't fit in one screen shot), but at this point, on average, we're talking around 19 inches long (give or take). It's crazy to think he's getting so big...and that I'm still carrying him around :-). As of this appointment, I have gained 27 pounds. Yep, 27! My doctor seems to be happy with that, so I'm not going to worry about it I suppose. My feet and hands are starting to show signs of swelling of course. I'm feeling pretty good. Just tired...except when I get random bursts of energy and want to do things like clean carpets at midnight or do baby laundry ALL day. :-) Breathing has become a bit of a chore. I have to talk more slowly and less than usual, which as you can imagine is difficulty, but this too shall pass. :-)
I have one baby shower left in two weeks, which also happens to be the day one of my best friends is getting married. So, for the first half of the day, I'll be a bridesmaid...you heard me...a bridesmaid. Then I'll be the guest of honor at a fabulous baby shower being planned by some of my very, very favorite people. I can't wait!!!
I'll try to do better with posting in a more timely manner. Just know that our days now are spent really preparing for Lawson to arrive. There's progress on the nursery (pics to come). Clothes are being washed, and so much other stuff too. We are so looking forward to meeting our boy!!!