Baby Boy Keyes (still no name, but we're working on it...and are open to suggestions) is growing and is healthy. He weights about 14 ounces and is like 10 inches long! I just can't believe how big he's gotten...or how much bigger he will get :-). He is still due to arrive January 14, 2012. I am feeling his movements more and more every single day, and I LOVE it! We purchased a DVD of the ultrasound (best $3 we ever spent), and I just love watching it and seeing my little boy moving around. It's crazy to know he's in there right now moving around. What a miracle!!! I thought about having someone show me how to post the video on the blog, but decided I will spare you all (although if you're interested, just say the word...I never get tired of watching it.)
I am staying healthy too. No complications. Praise the LORD! Everything is going well. I'm feeling great these days too. I've gained another three pounds (for a total of nine since my first appointment in late May). Here are this week's pictures:

I'll have new belly pics next week, and hopefully I'll have fabric for the bedding. Carla and I are going shopping on Saturday!! And, eventually, we WILL have a name too.
I want to see the video! You are too cute. Can't wait to see what you picked nursery-wise. Hope you had a great time!