We've made it to 17 weeks! One of the many listservs I have subscribed to says Baby Keyes should be about the length of a sweet potato at this point in his life. Crazy!!! When we had our ultrasound last week, he was at about six ounces too. So small.

For those of you who are interested, I'm feeling great! No more nausea (praise the Lord!!). A little heartburn here and there, but other than that we're doing great! Everyone wants to know if I'm feeling movement yet. Well, I think so. I know that sounds nuts, but I think I've felt him a few times, but it's such a soft sensation, I'm just not certain. I think I'll be more convinced when he's a little bigger. I'll keep you posted.
You are still soooo tiny!!! I'm so excited for all three of you. What a treat to walk along side as you blog.