Have you ever been so overwhelmed with God's blessings in your life that you can barely speak without crying tears of joy and you're just not sure how to show your gratitude?
This has happened to me more times than I can count. At my 30th birthday party, when I looked around and saw all of my friends and family and the Elvis impersonator (yes, Elvis impersonator :-)), I was overwhelmed. What a blessing to celebrate a milestone in life with people and music you love!! It was supposed to be a joint birthday party with my sweet friend Lora, but in true, selfless, Lora fashion, she managed to make it mostly about me. Did I mention I was overwhelmed??
Sometimes when my niece hugs Jason and me so tight I can barely breathe and she shouts, "Addi sandwich! Addi sandwich!!" I'm overwhelmed.
When Jason is just Jason and says just the right thing at just the right time, I'm overwhelmed. He calls this me being a sap, but I'm just grateful!
Well, it's happening again. Since I announced my pregnancy, I have had five groups of people (friends, family, co-workers) offer to host a baby shower in honor of Baby Boy Keyes. FIVE!! I. AM. OVERWHELMED.
God has blessed me with some of the most phenomenal friendships in my life, and I thank Him for those blessings as often as I can. Carla, Lora, Katie, Katy, Laura, Jill and Amy you are too sweet to give of your time and yourselves! I cannot thank you enough!
He has also blessed me with a great job and wonderful co-workers. Two of the sweet ladies in my office asked the day I told them I was expecting if it was too early to start planning a baby shower. They even brought me a ultrasound picture frame and "What To Expect When You're Expecting" the very next day. Thank you Bea and Beth! Another friend at work manages to listen to every little baby conversation or comment I have EVERY DAY. And, she still seems interested. She tells me how cute my growing belly is everyday too, which is fantastic after struggling to find something to fit and wear for the day. You're the best Sherry!
I could go on and on. I say all of this for a couple of reasons. One, to brag on my sweet friends and how wonderful they are. None of them would ever seek recognition for any of this, but they deserve it none the less. Two, to brag on God and His goodness. I don't deserve any of the blessings He sees fit to bestow upon me, but He does it anyway!
So, in case you missed it: I'm overwhelmed with blessings and more grateful than words could ever express.
PS As I was typing this, Baby Boy was going a little nuts. I think he's overwhelmed too!!! :-)