Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Big, Big Boy

I know I probably say this a lot, but Lawson is just getting so big so fast!! It' just crazy how fast he's growing up. Here are some random pics front the past few months that I think show just how big he's getting.

He wants his cereal with milk a lot these days, and he eats it (pretty well I might add) with a spoon.

Ridding four wheelers with Daddo.

Eating suckers.

Digging in the dirt pile. This picture is just too much!!

Eating with a big boy fork at a restaurant in a big boy booster seat instead of a high chair.

Loving some spaghettio's.

Loving Johnny Cash.

Wearing big boy underwear!! There will be a whole post devoted to this little bit of info. Get excited people!

And, not just watching Johnny Cash, but thinking he is Johnny Cash. I promise you when he sat down with his guitar this day he looked right at me and said, "Hello. I'm Johnny Cash."

There's plenty more to come about just how big this little boy is getting. It's crazy town around here!

2 Year Well Baby

When we went to Lawson's 2 year well baby doctor's visit, there  was good news and bad news. Good news: in terms of well baby, 2 year check up stuff, he was doing great! He had grown and was doing very well pretty much across the board according to the 2 year old questionnaire.

He also had a little fun while waiting on the doctor thanks to Nana getting creative with a rubber glove.

The bad news that day was that he had ANOTHER ear infection. Grrrrr! So, we went home with more antibiotics for our third ear infection in as many months. We saw Dr. Denise that day and she wasn't quite ready to do a referral to an ENT, but it wouldn't be long until that would come too. More on that in another post. 

I'm so thankful to have a happy, healthy, growing boy!! Ear infections stink, but I'll take them any day over any number of other, far worse, health problems there could be. Praise the LORD for a healthy boy!! 

The Birthday Boy

Lawson's birthday was almost a week before his party, but we still did something special on his actual birthday. Lawson actually sick on his birthday. Stinking ear infections! Sick or no, he still likes a good Sonic corn dog and tater tots. Plus I brought him a double doozie cookie from Great American Cookie too.

Two Years Old

Lawson's second birthday was January 6, and we had his birthday party the following weekend. Disclaimer: I know this post (as well as the next few) are LONG past-due, but I've been super busy living life instead of writing about it. Between our normal schedule of working and Lawson starting preschool just a couple of weeks before his party, we had plenty to keep us busy. But, since we're crazy, we also add to the mix Jason taking classes toward completing his bachelor's degree and me starting grad school. It seems crazy to think that all those years it was just Jason and me went by without us feeling the need to pursuer furthering our respective educations, and now that we have Lawson, here we are. But, this is just how it has worked out. So, all of that to say we've been busy. (PS More on my grad school adventures later).

This year we had Lawson's birthday party at Nana's house. It was kind of themed around Lawson's favorite things. The night before the party Nana, Auntie Stephanie, and especially Addison stayed up late getting everything ready. We had so much fun!

The invites and his party day shirt were guitar themed since he loves music...especially his guitar.

The invitations, party shirt and cupcake toppers were all from Trendy Biscuit, my sweet friend Katie's business (you can find it on Facebook, Twitter, Etsy, and Intagram). She's amazing!! Everything turned out perfect! Of course Aunt Carla made the cupcakes!!

We had a ton of Lawson's favorite things! The menu was all stuff he loves: hot dogs, Cheetos, Funyens, apple sauce squeeze pouches, mini donuts (chocolate and powdered), fruit snacks, apple cinnamon sticks, veggie sticks, marshmallows and bananas. 

If you look closely at the pictures hanging here you'll see newborn, one year old and two year old pictures of Lawson with his big sock monkey. My hope is to get a picture of him every year with this same sock monkey. We'll see how long he allows it.

We had cardboard guitars for the kids to color too!

Lawson had so much fun and ate lots of yummy snacks. He LOVES marshmallows. 

And here are just some fun ones from the party. There are a lot more, but I can't seem to get them all off the disk and onto my Mac and then the blog.

And, if there was any doubt that this child is spoiled, look at all these presents!! Good thing we cleaned out some older toys and passed them along before we brought all this stuff home.

Nana took this one a day or two after the party. Lawson found a couple of extra balloons outside on the mailbox. I think he looks so big in this picture.

I cannot believe this little guy is 2 years old. It's all happening so fast. We love you so very much Lawson Jace Keyes!!