Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Lawson's First Car

The first weekend of January Lawson got his first car. A race car to be exact. Technically it's a race car bed but still. 

We have gone back and forth about switching to a big boy bed for a few months but just weren't sure we (he) were ready. Then, one day, he climbed out. All by himself. So, that was it. Not long after that, we got the race car bed from Nanna (it was Jevin's and also a cousin's before). She was keeping it for Lawson when he was ready. 

When I see this picture of his room, a couple of things come to mind. One, this looks like a little boys room except for the changing table. I don't think this is a nursery anymore. Two, this child has WAY too many toys! It is literally wall-to-wall stuff in this room. And, he plays with all of it!! 

So my baby has a big boy bed. We are still working on getting him to bed/sleep each night in a timely manner. He just wants to play...and get a drink...and go peepee potty (more about that in another post)...and tell Daddy he loves him...and give Daddy more kisses.... You get the idea. He'll get there eventually. 

I just can't believe he's growing up so fast.  

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I cannot believe it's March 2014!!! I am so behind on posting, but I promise I have good reason. It's been a busy couple of months in the Keyes House.Times they are a changing. A lot of you may already know about the stuff I'm going to post in the next few posts, but since I'm using this blog as a baby book of sorts and a way to record all our goings on, you'll just have to hang in there.

Lawson started preschool the last week of December. PRESCHOOL!! He might as well be moving out of the house at some level because it DOES NOT seem like we should be to this point yet. How is it possible that the tiny little 7 pound 14 ounce baby boy we brought home just two years ago is already in preschool.

Nana has done a fantastic job keeping up with Mr. Tootie Pants for two years. He has certainly kept her busy. It has been our plan from the beginning to put Lawson in preschool around age two, and Nana actually started telling us last summer that she agreed he would need "more" than just hanging out playing with Nana all day (though I am certain she would love to keep him all to herself as long as possible). So, last summer we put him on a waiting list for the preschool we chose. They figured it would be after Christmas before a spot in his class opened up. And, just before Christmas, one did. So, on December 30, 2013, Mr. Lawson began his preschool journey. We started with half days since Jason and I were actually still off for Christmas Break. It seemed weird to take him down there and then just come back home, but we all (Jason, his teacher, the director and I) agreed that a week of half days would be the best way to start out.

I was too busy not being a basket case to take a picture when I dropped him off, but here are  few pictures of him after I picked him up. He looks like he had a good day, right! He may have cried at drop off but he sure is proud of his first (of many) craft projects.

 For the record, he does not have a black eye in the picture above. I think it's just a shadow.

And, this is headed to preschool on day two. He looks pretty excited. I won't lie. He cried at drop off for the first two weeks, but then got WAY better.  

And, as you can see from this note, he loves his teacher! He was not a fan of the other kids wanting her attention. Only child much?

And here is his lunch box. Friday's are sack lunch days at preschool, so he needed a cool lunch box.

How are things going you ask? Well, it's been two months and he's missed about a week of that for snow days and then had a couple of ear infections with which he ran fever so he missed about a week or so for that, but he's doing really well. After being out for a full week with fever, drop off is difficult right now, but getting better, BUT he LOVES his teacher Mrs. Tonya, he knows his ABC's start to finish, he can identify all his primary colors and a few others, he can identify basic shapes, and he knows his days of the week. Jason and I feel like we are in preschool because when he's at home he's always telling us to "sit on your bottom...criss cross apple sauce" and then pointing at the wall telling us the days of the week or our shapes or colors and then asking " what's this one?" as if he's quizzing us on things. It's too funny. He's just a little sponge!