After I returned to work from maternaty leave, I realized just how little time I have to spend with Lawson during the week. We get some time in the morning before I leave (like 30 minutes or an hour max) and then about 2.5 hours in the evening. I remember the day I actually did the math. I was walking to my car day two back to work when it hit me. Tears started to well up in my eyes, and my feet suddenly walked with more speed and purpose than ever. Since that day I have made the decision to choose play over (house) work. Given the choice between cleaning the kitchen after dinner and playing with Lawson/spending time with my two favorite boys, I choose to play. Don't get me wrong. We have clean clothes to wear and clean dishes (even if they are paper plates) from which to eat, and my house is not filthy. However, my sink is not always dish free when I go to bed at night, and I'm okay with that. There may still be a load of laundry in the dryer that needs folded or a load of clean dishes in the dishwasher that need to be put up, but life goes on. I heard someone say once that they never looked back on their life and thought, "man, I wish I had spent more time cleaning my house and less time with my family." True. True. True.
So, this week I was faced with a very messy kitchen
...or a beautiful, sun shinny evening outside with Lawson. You can guess what I chose.
We went for a ride on Daddy's mower (moe-ah is how L says it).
We played with our silly dogs.
We tried to play with Daddy's tools, but they are a no-no. :-)
We "drove" Daddy's four-wheeler.
Enjoyed the sunshine. Look at that sweet, sweet head.
"Drove" Daddy's Jeep.
And, climbed a dirt hill. In this picture, he is saying, "Da-dah!!!" He's pretty proud of himself.
Once Lawson was in bed, I headed to the kitchen. It wasn't spotless when I settled in to watch a little TV with my Jason, but it was good enough.