The last week of June (I know that was months ago) Lawson got sick. This was the first time he'd been anything but happy and healthy since birth. I know kids get sick. We all do. But, when MY baby got sick, it was terrible!! Turned out he just had a "summer virus" as the doctor described it. Apparently there were a couple going around. It started with just fussiness and not sleeping well (like up every two hours, which is not really like Lawson). Then after a couple of days, he started running fever (102). It was the middle of the night, and he just felt so hot! He was miserable, and all I could do was give him Tylenol and rock him. First thing the next morning I got him in to see the doctor. He was such a good boy, as usual, but was so lazy and sleepy and just wanted to lay against my chest.
He ran fever and was just miserable acting for two days then the fever broke and he seemed like he was on the mend. Seemed.
I went back to work after being home with him for two days. By lunch time, I was on the phone with the doctor's office trying to get another appointment. I had talked to my mom and Jason, and they both agreed that Lawson just seemed very lethargic and very much not himself. He didn't seem to want to eat and was super fussy. By the time I got home he was covered with a blotchy rash (which the doctor had actually warned us about...but still). After several phone calls to the pediatrician and our regular family doctor, I ended up having to take him to ProMed. Turns out the doctor there was FANTASTIC! He reassured me that it was a virus and that the rash was another sign it was running it's course. Thank the LORD! By the next morning, he was feeling much better.

The rash hung around for another day or so, and we spent plenty of time at home getting rest. My mom was actually on vacation the following week, so I was already scheduled to be off work. So thankful for that extra time with my sweet boy once he was feeling better.
I have gone back and forth on if I would post about this or not. In the end, I've decided that I want it documented for when I print the blog book, and it's important to acknowledge the valleys so the mountains seem that much sweeter. We have been blessed with a happy, HEALTHY little boy, and we are so thankful.
Thank you LORD for our boy!!